Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Live from the Hospital

I'm sitting next to Mom at the hospital and she is doing well a day after her second procedure. Yesterday, they used a scope to check the lung for infection. Then they helped the lung expand to the chest wall and used a medicine to help it stay in place. This should prevent any fluid buildup in the future. In the meantime, the remaining fluid is still draining from her lung but we're looking for that to finally finish up soon. The doctors are keeping an eye on things but so far they say everything is going really well.

As you can imagine, she's pretty tired today. But she's looking forward to getting back home to her normal routine.

That's all for the moment. We'll update the blog as soon as we have more information.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mom is in the Hospital

This is Gary, pinch-hitting for Mom on this post. To quickly bring you up to date, Mom's lung collapsed suddenly and Dad rushed Mom to the hospital on Monday. Doctors reviewed her tests and elected to do an emergency procedure to help drain the fluid from her lung that caused the collapse. Immediately, she began to feel some relief and there has been continued progress since Monday. She is still dealing with a stubborn infection from her case of Pneumonia but she is on antibiotics and they are watching it carefully. We are hoping she can be moved out of the Critical Care unit in the next day or so. She continues to make progress and her spirits are up and we are looking forward to her recovery.

I know many of you have asked what you can do for Mom to help her through this difficult time. I know Mom can't speak much and isn't ready for visitors but she really enjoys receiving cards from friends and well-wishers. You'd be surprised at how well those cards can lift her spirits knowing that you are thinking of her. She reads them over and over and they really make a difference.

All the best to your and your families. Please watch this blog for continued updates on her condition.

