Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Month Another Blood Test

At the end of this month or the first day of the next I'll be going for my monthly blood work. I'll see my Oncologist a couple of days later. I think I also have an appointment with my Radiation Doctor. We made the appointment in November of 2009 and I had no 2010 calendar so I'm not certain what the date of that appointment is. I guess on my "to do" list I need to write to call his office and find out. I would hate to miss it because he's a busy guy with lots of information.

Dennis arrived for the weekend. We made the most of it: exercise, golf and eating in and out. I invited Gary and his family for Brunch on the Sunday before he left. I also invited Don's cousin and his wife who are renting in this development. I wasn't sure Dennis or Gary would remember them, but they did. As usual I made Belgian Waffles and that made Ben very happy. Don's cousin made Danish Aebleskiver (pancake balls) for us on the other side of the kitchen and Sophie especially loved the "donut holes" as she called them. Dennis left after lunch the next day.

Charlie has traveled to Phoenix a few times this year. January was the first time when he was here for meetings and social functions. We picked him up at the airport and had a nice early dinner out and drove him to his hotel. The rest of his time was spent on business.

In February we received a call from Charlie and Beau telling us they were in Phoenix at the airport on a one hour layover to Hawaii. Their area was hit hard by the snowstorms so all flights and airports were closed for nearly another week extending their vacation in Hawaii. Luckily they didn't miss any work time because all businesses were closed in the DC area. On the flight back we had time to have dinner out with them while they were staying at Beau's brother's house. They had to stay another two days in Phoenix because of cancelled flights and closed airports as the next snowstorms arrived. So all in all it was an unusual vacation for them.

It seems like the holidays have gotten longer and longer. It used to be just Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year but it seems like we're just as busy and gone for the two following months. I certainly am not complaining because it's been a wonderful time and lots of fun. In the back of my mind I keep thinking when am I going to get the tax papers in order for the CPA?

I'm off to Kickboxing today and later a trip to Cave Creek with Don, his cousin and wife. It's been a while since I had a chance to shop there and always a treasure hunt.

Hope all of you have either shoveled your way out of the mountains of snow or if AZ enjoyed our rainy days.