Last Friday I had an appointment with Dr Smiley. He was concerned about my colds (two within two months) and has made an appointment for me for a CT Scan today to check for pneumonia or something worse. He talked to me about my immune system being compromised because of the Chemo and Radiation. I need to be vigilant about not straining it and my lungs more than necessary because they've been through so much. It's hard to tell but he was happy to hear that I had no adverse reactions to the radiation on my brain. The reaction would have been nausea and headaches. Brain swelling can happen within 18 months after the procedure so I have a way to go to be clear of that side effect.
Because of today's test I'll have to wait another 3 months for the MRI on my brain. Testing too often would certainly be a strain on my body and could cause more problems. I'm not surprised and am totally in favor of not testing too often.
The Chronic Disease Fund was funding my co-pay for the Chemo Pill I'm on and has not renewed any financial help this year because our income is above their limit. I want to thank them and let them know how grateful I am for the help they gave us last year.
Don and I are looking forward to visits from friends and family this winter. Since cancer patients are at risk to fly I haven't visited my mother or relations and friends during the last 2 years. I'm been planning a whopper of a "remission trip" as soon as I get the word.
This afternoon it's my favorite class, Buns & Abs, followed by Bunco! Coming soon is Fitness Buddy #5 Birthday Bash which I'm hosting at the Herb Box. It's going to be a fun time.
Photos of Charlie and Dennis having fun together and Quartanas, Winsteads with us after a great dinner and Mexican train.
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