Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Live from the Hospital

I'm sitting next to Mom at the hospital and she is doing well a day after her second procedure. Yesterday, they used a scope to check the lung for infection. Then they helped the lung expand to the chest wall and used a medicine to help it stay in place. This should prevent any fluid buildup in the future. In the meantime, the remaining fluid is still draining from her lung but we're looking for that to finally finish up soon. The doctors are keeping an eye on things but so far they say everything is going really well.

As you can imagine, she's pretty tired today. But she's looking forward to getting back home to her normal routine.

That's all for the moment. We'll update the blog as soon as we have more information.

1 comment:

Marie-Anne said...

Dear Maria and Gary,
I was surprised to hear about your condition but I'm also confident that you will get better soon. I know you are well surrounded and supported by you family and that is very important. You must know that we think a lot about you and you are always in our prayers. Yesterday I met Tante Lydia, Jeffie and Chris and we talked about you. We know you're a fighter and that you will get better and that you will be going back home as soon as possible. The Van Lent's don't give up, they are courageous and optimistic ....
Get well soon. We love you a lot !