Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Feet Got Worse

Just before September rolled in I couldn't walk or sleep because of the excruciating foot pain and could hardly swallow water so I called the Oncologist and he took me off the mystery drug till my feet and thoat heal. The next day Gary made it possible for me to have a wheel chair which helped me a lot getting from one room to another. Right now which is a week later I still have the sores on the bottom of my feet but there's just a spot of pain near one of my heels. I'll call the Oncologist when my feet are healed and he may lower the dosage of the mystery pill I'm taking.

At first I was kind of housebound but for the last few days I've been able to attend Sophie's family birthday celebration, a couple of movies, and some meals at restaurants. At my worst it took forever to get from one room to another and there was quite a lot of pain involved. I would wake up in the night from having my feet touch the mattress.

What I really would like to add to that list is play golf. I am so eager to get on that golf course and hit some balls.

I'm so happy about how well this drug is doing in other ways. Now they just have to find the dosage that shrinks the tumors but doesn't cause the side effects.

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