Monday, June 21, 2010

Oncologist Appointment

Thursday I saw my original Oncologist and for the 3rd month in a row I complained about my cough. Later in the meeting I mentioned about the fluid in my right lung and that when I bend over or try to lie on either side my cough increases and that's when my doctor said he didn't think my cough was from allergies which is what I was told since March. He thinks the fluid is causing my cough. He called my second Oncologist and my radiation doctor and they all agree that the fluid needs to be drained. They can also use it to get cancer DNA so now there's two reasons to do it.

I'll be seeing my second Oncologist on Thursday and may find out when, where, how, etc this draining will be done. The sooner the better because this cough has driven me crazy and keeps me from my activities.

Let's hope I'll know more in a few days.

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