Sunday, May 16, 2010

What's Next?

I saw the radiation doctor at the end of April and it was decided that I would get radiation for the cancerous lymph node. That meant that I had to go to the Scottsdale office to get a fitting for the new "pillow" that would allow me to lie in the exact same position in the Tomograph Machine and 3 new tattoos.

It was nearly two weeks before they called me with my Plan. I'll be having 9 treatments for 15 minutes each starting Monday. I choose afternoons this time just for a change. There are no treatments on Saturday and Sunday.

The treatments can cause a skin burn and they caution patients not to go in the sun while we're receiving them. So I've cancelled my golf dates.

I golfed Friday with 3 ladies who always bring me good luck and shot a 90. It's been over a year since I broke 100 so I'm on cloud nine about my golf. I'll be eager to get back to it once my treatments are over. Wish me luck.

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