Bottom: Diane, Ben, Diane's mother, Ann, her friend, Eddy, me with my craft project, and Sophie.
Second row: Dennis, Terry Ann--my childhood friend, Kim--Diane's long time friend, Beau--Charlie's partner, and Charlie.
Third tier: Don and Gary.
You can tell by the smiles that we had a wonderful time at Sophie's celebration. She came up with the concept and we had all the fun.
Backtracking from earlier in December, I came down with a side effect from the Tarceva although at first I didn't realize that it was one because it didn't happen in the same place as usual. Usually it was on the roof of my mouth but this time it was on my gums. By the time I did I was unable to eat anything but soft foods starting just after my last post on December 7th. I stopped taking the Tarceva on the 19th and now I'm still eating soft foods but the pain in my gums and cheek are less. It's been a bother because Dennis arrived on the 18th and I wanted to do so many things while he was here. Charlie and Beau arrived on the 22nd and by then I had the cold that is going around here: hot and cold, lots of sneezing, free running mucus and a general malaise. Don who hasn't had a cold in many years gave me this one. He's over it now so I'm hoping I will be within a day or two. Or just about the time Dennis, Charlie and Beau leave.
My house is a wreck and I'm not concerned because this gives me the perfect chance to get rid of some clothes and closet items and give the whole place a total cleaning.
Obviously I wasn't able to do my Christmas cards this year so I thought you might excuse me and accept the good wishes and photo I sent you through the blog. I'm hoping I'll be able to get some cards out next year. I really love doing it but it helps if I feel well.
Thank you for all the lovely Christmas cards which I'll be reading over and over again and maybe get ideas for some of my cards. I enjoy them all and am grateful you keep me in your thoughts.
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