Don and I at my mother's 95th Birthday Celebration.
My mother at 95 enjoying her Birthday Celebration.
We left for Detroit on November 4 and my mother's birthday celebration was the following evening. At the restaurant we hosted a dinner and invited my niece, her husband, and her oldest son. We also invited my cousin, her husband and her young son. It was the best of everything. A nice comfortable table for 9, great food and great service. There were some gifts. We were back home an hour after the party was over because my mother tires easily.
The following evening my mother, Don and I met some old friends at a restaurant. After we finished our meal the Chef brought my mother a long platter of assorted desserts and each one had a candle in it. The entire restaurant sang "Happy Birthday" to her and nearly every table wished her a happy birthday on our way out. She was overwhelmed with the response from the diners and the restaurant staff.
We spent time with my cousin on two occasions when she was able to get away. She lives nearly an hour from my mother's house and has a son in school who needs to be taken and picked up. It was great to be able to get to spend some time with her.
We flew Southwest to and from Detroit and had lots of questions about the seating thing. I couldn't understand the line-up and free for all as far as seats, but suitcases fly free so we were willing to learn. We had a better get in line number on our flight back so we were able to choose the two seater by the emergency door. We played Crazy Rummy all the way back to Phoenix.
The day after we returned from Phoenix Charlie arrived for a long weekend. He couldn't make it for Thanksgiving Day so he asked if we could celebrate Thanksgiving on November 14th. So that's what we did--we had a Thanksgiving meal and celebrated Ben's 5th birthday. That was Ben's 5th birthday party too so he enjoyed a great birthday.
Charlie left at 4:30 a.m.on Monday for the airport and made it back to Maryland to get some of his work done at the office. He called later to let us know he had a good flight and arrived safely.
That same day I golfed with the Monday group and forgot everything I ever knew about golf. I shot a 114 and that must be close to winning golf lessons. After lunch I played Hand and Foot Canasta with 7 other ladies and had a great time.
Tuesdays is Ladies League Golf and I showed up to play although I was worried about my game. Fortunately I played with 3 great gals who kept my spirits up and I ended up with a 110 and lots of sand in both my shoes. I know my game will come back but like Johnny Miller says, "the harder you try to do better, the worse you do". So the best thing is to go out and just have a good time.
I'm still waiting for the results of my Brain MRI. I don't have an appointment for the results with the radiation doctor. I think he's going to call and tell me. If I don't hear from him today I'll call him tomorrow. I'm trying to remember that saying: NO NEW IS GOOD NEWS. It's always in the back of my mind. What are the results?
I'm off to Buns & Abs. I missed a lot of exercise classes while I was gone. They really help keep me on an even keel. Hopefully now I'll be able to get back in the swing of my fitness schedule.
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