Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bicycle Accident

Last week I had a bicycle accident. It wasn't too bad. I only injured my right elbow and right knee. It was totally my fault. I was riding with a friend and she was in front of me and we were both riding around a pickup truck parked on the road. I looked back to see how close traffic was and when I looked forward my front wheel hit her back wheel. Fortunately I was the only one who fell down. Now here is the great part of my story--every car that went by us after my fall and even the owner of the pickup offered us help with a ride or whatever we needed. I was filled with so much gratitude for their kindness. I couldn't get over it.

We did accept the pickup truck's driver offer of a ride home because he could put our bikes in the back. By the time we arrived at our guardhouse, I was ready to stretch my knee so I rode the rest of the way to my house and thanked the driver for helping us. I felt like it was just a scratch till my knee started growing a doorkknob and even contemplated going to Buns & Abs in the afternoon. Then I realized how limited I would be in exercising and stayed home. The next day I was a little more sore so I knew I had made the right decision.

I did go to Julie's class on Saturday and since I was becoming apprehensive about getting on the bike again, I rode to the fitness center on my bike. She had the best, strongest class that day. I knew that I could ride my bike on Sunday and I did. You should see my elbow and knee now they are so much better--nearly healed.

You'll notice I didn't talk about my golf. I'm hitting my clubs but in the bunkers. What is it about sand? Did I really think I needed more sand practice. Who knows! If there was a prize for getting in the most bunkers I would win hands down. Each time I go out to play it's always a mystery who'll show alter ego or me. On a positive note the temperature is in the 90s and it's more pleasant to play. I go out each time with the hope that this time it'll be the old Maria hitting and putting. Wish me luck.

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