It's been quite a while since I posted on the blog mostly because there was nothing going on. My next appointments with the Oncologist and Radiation doctors is in January. I'm basically doing my exercise classes every day, Mah Jongg once a week, golf once or twice a week, and the rest of the time getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Charlie, his dog Arden, and Dennis arrived in Phoenix on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Charlie and Beau came over to have dinner with us and Don left after dinner to pick up Dennis at the airport. It was fun to have all the guys and my grand dog staying with us.
Thanksgiving morning I made Dennis' favorite stuffing, stuffed the bird and put it in the oven by 7 a.m. The houseguests didn't wake up early this being a vacation day for them, but by the time they did I had made crepes, Belgian waffles, bacon and sausage.
Terry Ann and John, now from Tucson, arrived a few hours later and we were able to catch up with them. Terry Ann and I lived across the street from each from the time I was 10. I spent as much time at her house as she spent at mine. Gary, Diane, Sophie and Ben arrived a little while later and soon we were eating. The cooking lasted 3 days, the eating lasted 25 minutes. Somehow that seems out of synch. Of course there are leftovers in the freezer and we'll be eating them soon. It was one of the best Thanksgivings ever because we had so much to be thankful for.
Terry Ann and John had a long ride back to Tucson so they were the first to leave. Next to go were Charlie, Beau, and our grand dog, Arden, for Phoenix.
Dennis slept in Friday morning for a change and he and I went to lunch with half of the Fitness Buddies. We had great laughs and good food at the restaurant in Corte Bella. I had purchased a perfect picture wall this summer and Dennis helped me hang all the frames. With his height he was the perfect person to hold up the perfect picture wall template. It is the perfect thing for our office wall.
Dennis always volunteers to go to exercise classes with me and on Saturday we had two hours of classes. He knows everyone there and they're always glad to see him. Later we played golf with Don. The following morning Dennis left on a 6 a.m. flight. The weekend whizzed by like a rocket.
Don, Gary, Sophie, Ben and I picked up Charlie in Phoenix for lunch on Sunday and had a last visit with him before he left on Monday.
Now we're in Christmas mode: trimming the tree, hanging the wreaths and putting the Christmas candles throughout the house.
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