Thursday, November 18, 2010


I told friends I would post on my blog today if the news was good but probably wait a week if it wasn't. So here's the story.
It's Thursday and I had signed up for golf since it started at 1:30 pm. I would certainly be home in time to tee off with the 9 Holers. After all my handler had planned my morning by the minute: 10:45 see RN, 11:00 see Doctor, and 11:30 take Chemo Pill. What I didn't know was that all the patients who's normal appointment would fall on Thanksgiving weekend would have to come in a week early (on my day). The Infusion room and the spill over rooms were full, only one seat left.

I was told that I wouldn't be seeing my Oncologist because he was in Berlin giving a speech on the two new drugs he's testing. (Disappointment because I had a couple of things to discuss with him.) My handler came in first, was 25 minutes late and she had barely asked one question when there was a knock on the door and the nurse must have told her that the subsitute doctor was ready to see me. She left and the doctor came in. We started with some chit chat and finally I asked him what the CT Scan results were. He knew nothing about it and even though my file is 4 or 5 inches high there wasn't a sheet in there with my results. He left the office and 15 minutes later came in with a piece of paper. I asked him to interpret the results of the Scan.

Let me just say that it was a good result--no new cancer growth and all the areas are the same size as last month. Aside from that I have very few side effects except for the nausea right now so I feel pretty good. Plus my Fitness Buddies threw me an early birthday party yesterday: high tea with all the special foods. It was outstanding and a dream come true. Great gifts too!

After the doctor left the examination room they walked me to the infusion spill over and there was one chair left. The nurse took my blood and I sat forever waiting for my handler to be free to ask me about old and new side effects. She also had to go to the pharmacy to get my allotted number of the mystery pill. With all the extra patients the pharmacy was swamped and it took forever to get my pills . When the clock reached 12:30 and I still had no pills, I called the pro shop and asked to cancel my golf. There was no way I would be leaving in time to drive an hour to SCW and get my golf shoes and golf cart.

I looked at my watch and it was 12:45 when I left hungry as a bear. My stomach had been growling since the doctor saw me . By the time I came home I ate everything I could get my hands on and couldn't stop.

Good news is always welcome.