I just can't believe I haven't posted in over a month. Things have been happening so I apologize for not doing it sooner. I'm adding some recent photos of Sophie and Ben so you'll forgive me for the delay.
Sophie and I spent Monday afternoons together either making cards or painting pottery. It was great fun and something I hope we'll be able to do next year. She started school Aug. 3 and that was the end of our crafting afternoons.
Dennis came to visit at the end of July. Together we spent time with Sophie and Ben who love their Uncle Dennis. My friends always enjoy seeing Dennis too so we attended the Italian American Club Dinner at our Anacapa Grill. The food was good, but the conversation was even better. I have a very helpful neighbor who I can call on when there's a need and the following evening Dennis and I hosted a dinner for them at Arrowhead Grill and it was very good. We enjoyed getting to know them even better.
Every August one of our ladies sets up a golf outing in Prescott at Talking Rock Golf Course. It's cooler there but in the past when we went the weather was extreme: wind and rain. This year it was warm and sunny. There were only 16 of us because so many of our golfers were traveling north to visit friends and family or trying to find some cooler places. It was great fun and as always the lunch was worth the trip. I don't remember a summer when so many from here were traveling so much. If all my test results are good next year I'll be doing some summer travel myself. Summer lasts two months too long.
The second half of August we were experiencing some cooler mornings and I took advantage of them by getting on my bike and riding 7 miles. It's my short route and I do it twice a week. I love riding my bike. It makes me feel free and it's a nice addition to my workout schedule. Here's the week: Biking on Sunday, Kickboxing and Yoga on Monday, golf and elliptical machine on Tuesday, biking and Buns & Abs on Wednesday, golf and elliptical machine on Thursday, golf and Yoga on Friday and a cardio/strength/stretch class on Saturday. Once the temperature goes down under 100 I'll add the Aqua classes on Thursdays and Saturdays.
I've had to change my workout schedule because of my feet. This summer my toes and the balls of my feet are swollen and it's difficult to put any weight on them as in Yoga poses so I've had to give up Pilates/Yoga on Monday and Thursday mornings because that class is Yoga on speed. Once in a while I do the noon Yoga on Monday and Friday because I know how important the breathing is for me. I would probably do it more but noon makes it difficult to get there.
My Oncologist stopped the Tarceva for a couple of weeks. I enjoyed life without side effects for those days. He lowered the dosage hoping it would lessen the side effects and it has. And I hope that the Tarceva is still doing as great a job in it's new form. The Tarceva won't help me if the cancer goes to my brain though. Tarceva is a chemo pill and the chemo can't get up to the brain. So of course the day I forgot my own phone number was panic city for me. The following day I couldn't hit any of my clubs instead I was digging holes in the grass. I thought for sure my goose was cooked. But friends my age and younger tell me they've had the same experiences. So no more panic.
I'll be seeing my Oncologist in September so I'll post the results next time. Here's hoping all is well with me and you.